About us


Welcome to Aircrew Aviation LTD., your premier gateway to aviation opportunities in China. As a distinguished recruitment agency for pilots, we offer more than just job placements; we provide a pathway to a thriving career and a prosperous life for you and your family.

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Aircrew Aviation LTD

At Aircrew Aviation, we pride ourselves on being more than a link between job and pilot. We are fellow aviators, committed to your professional growth and personal welfare. We navigate you through the complexities of the aviation industry, ensuring legal protection and ethical standards in all our endeavors.

Join us at Aircrew Aviation, where your aspirations take flight and your career soars to new heights in the ever-expanding skies of China’s aviation industry.”


Air FQC e1522038137205 - Aircrew Aviation LTD., Hong Kong

We are proudly to announce that AIRCREW is officially affiliated to Flight Quality Consultant, FQC,   to work together for our pilot fellows; and just to name of few our client airlines, detail coming soon;

Clients - Aircrew Aviation LTD., Hong Kong